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The development of the final phases of the campaign in conjunction with the State Elections has shown that some leaders from Pakatan Harapan have started using a campaign infused with threats and intimidating non-Malays towards PAS.

Hannah Yeoh’s statement in front of non-Malays stating that changing the Menteri Besar of Selangor to PAS and getting rid of PH in the election is an act of self-punishment as well as a punishment towards the children and grandchildren in Selangor is a despicable speech and threatens the racial harmony in Malaysia.

Such a campaign repeats once again the unhealthy political campaign made by Lim Guan Eng, who said that if the green wave wins, then the temples will be demolished.

Rules and regulations are meant for everybody, whether you are the ruling government or the opposition. Having two different sets of rules for both the government and opposition would bring our beloved Malaysia in the opposite direction of “reformasi”.

I take the opportunity today, to invite and advise political leaders to not use this kind of menacing political campaign, to campaign in a healthy and mature manner to ensure that racial harmony can be maintained.

I also hope that the people of Malaysia are not bought by this kind of politics, which insults the intellectuals of the people and is not civilised. This out of date political culture needs to be stopped.

Under the administration of Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) in Terengganu, the relationship between the races is maintained harmoniously, and the welfare of the people, regardless of religion, race, or party colours, continues to be guaranteed without discrimination. The rights of the people have been guaranteed by the constitution and they are also a requirement in Islam.

Lastly, I invite all parties to make this State Election a referendum for us to end this political culture of threatening and fear-mongering the people.

YAB DATO’ SERI DR AHMAD SAMSURI BIN MOKHTAR Menteri Besar Terengganu / Vice President of PAS



Perkembangan fasa-fasa akhir kempen sempena Pilihan Raya Negeri pada kali ini memperlihat beberapa pemimpin daripada Pakatan Harapan telah mula menggunakan kempen berbaur ugutan dan menakut-nakutkan bukan Melayu kepada PAS.

Kenyataan Hannah Yeoh di hadapan orang bukan Melayu yang mengatakan sekiranya menukar Menteri Besar Selangor kepada calon daripada PAS dan menyingkirkan PH dalam pilihan raya adalah tindakan menghukum diri sendiri serta menghukum anak dan cucu di Selangor merupakan ucapan yang amat jahat serta mengancam keharmonian kaum di Malaysia.

Kempen sebegini mengulangi sekali lagi kempen politik tidak sihat yang telah dibuat oleh Lim Guan Eng yang mengatakan sekiranya gelombang hijau menang, maka akan dirobohkan kuil-kuil.

Saya mengambil kesempatan pada hari ini, mengajak dan menasihati para pemimpin politik untuk tidak menggunakan kempen politik ugut sebegini, berkempenlah secara sihat dan matang dalam memastikan keharmonian kaum dapat dijaga.

Saya juga berharap rakyat Malaysia tidak termakan dengan politik sebegini yang sudah pasti merendah-rendahkan intelektual rakyat dan tidak madani. Budaya politik kuno sebegini wajar dinoktahkan.

Di bawah pentadbiran Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) di Negeri Terengganu, hubungan kaum dijaga dengan harmoni, kebajikan rakyat tanpa mengira agama, bangsa dan warna parti terus dijamin tanpa ada sebarang diskriminasi. Hak semua rakyat ini telah dijamin oleh perlembagaan dan menjadi tuntutan dalam Islam.

Akhirnya, saya mengajak semua pihak agar jadikan Pilihan Raya Negeri ini sebagai satu referendum untuk kita menoktahkan budaya politik ugut dan menakut-nakutkan rakyat ini.


YAB DATO’ SERI DR AHMAD SAMSURI BIN MOKHTAR Menteri Besar Terengganu / Naib Presiden PAS

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